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Natural resources by their very nature can be anywhere in the desert, in a remote location or out at sea. Such demands dictate that companies and individuals have the best equipment and solutions to help them work in what are usually very challenging conditions.  Throughout its lifetime, Livewire Connections has dedicated time and resources to understanding the market requirements of our customers and to supplying them with the best products and most appropriate solutions the market can provide. So whether you're looking for the latest in portable satellite connectivity or a simple network solution, we can help and advise you along the way.

Oil and Gas platform silhouette

The hunt for new Oil and Gas reserves continues to increase in response to growing demand for energy from around the world. As this takes companies into more inaccessible and...

Coastal wind turbines

Renewable energy is a fast growing sector of the global economy as governments encourage commercial enterprise to develop new opportunities in the offshore wind and tidal energy...

Mining truck

Operating a mine of any description in a remote location is a challenging business for many reasons and good reliable communications can make the difference to success and...

Latest News

SKY Image
7 years 1 week ago

Livewire Connections is pleased to offer new and renewal Sky Offshore customers a 50% discount off our...

Marlink and Livewire Signing
7 years 3 months ago

Marlink to acquire Livewire Connections to create the leading maritime VSAT company in the superyacht market...

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