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The sea provides one of the most challenging environments within which to work and as such demands the best from any solutions deployed there. Throughout its lifetime, Livewire Connections has dedicated time and resources to understanding the markets requirements and meeting them with the best products and most appropriate solutions the market can provide. Whether you're looking for the latest in Satellite connectivity or a simple network solution, we can help and advise you along the way.

Super Yacht

At Livewire Connections we constantly strive to deliver unparalleled service and commitment within the luxury yacht market. With extensive understanding onboard yachts from 30m...

Racing Yacht

Today's yacht racing is big business with multi-million dollar sponsors requiring the world to live and breathe every wave slamming moment on the ocean race track. Livewire...

Commercial Shipping Vessel

Commercial vessels increasingly need sophisticated satcoms systems to operate efficiently, enhance overall business operations and ensure crew satisfaction and retention....

Fishing Trawler

Fishing vessels need reliable satcoms for safe sailing as well as to contact other vessels, the home base and agents on shore via voice & email. Whether you have a single...

Yacht under sail

With the introduction of Fleet Broadband smaller leisure yachts less than 30m can enjoy the same connectivity previously only found in the Super Yacht market. The Access...

Latest News

SKY Image
7 years 1 week ago

Livewire Connections is pleased to offer new and renewal Sky Offshore customers a 50% discount off our...

Marlink and Livewire Signing
7 years 3 months ago

Marlink to acquire Livewire Connections to create the leading maritime VSAT company in the superyacht market...

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Contact us today: Europe +44 (0)20 8974 0900  /  USA +1 (954) 603 3192