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Fishing vessels need reliable satcoms for safe sailing as well as to contact other vessels, the home base and agents on shore via voice & email. Whether you have a single inshore boat or a fleet of large ocean-going trawlers, Livewire Connections offers a choice of solutions for all your needs: you can consult and share vital information for your business, including electronic charts, water currents & temperatures, electronic logs, catch reports, weather forecasts and ship localisation.

Livewire Connections can provide the vessel and her crew a complete solution including hardware, airtime, email services, 1st and 2nd line support services, VoIP, IT networking, prepaid crew welfare solutions, tracking and anti-piracy services. We customise the type of connection to suit the operating region, bandwidth requirements and costs restrictions to provide a reliable and effective solution.

As a main SeaTel dealer providing VSAT and TVRO hardware worldwide and, using our team of in-house SeaTel trained engineers, Livewire Connections can provide installation and support services. We hold a large number of SeaTel spares in stock for both TVRO and VSAT to ensure your system is operational to suit your schedule.

The Access Controller FB-10, designed and manufactured by Livewire Connections solely for the maritime sector provides a comprehensive range of features to ensure your vessel’s network is running efficiently. Simple switching between different Internet connections (eg VSAT, Inmarsat, 3G, WiFi etc) as well as dynamic fire-walling to ensure you are reducing the background connection using the bandwidth and securing the network. Spend control allows you to monitor and limit your spending on connections that charge per min or per Mb (eg Inmarsat Fleetbroadband) to ensure that you do not have any unexpected airtime bills. The Access Controller FB-10 also includes Bandwidth Monitoring and QoS to allow the essential ships business to use all the available bandwidth while restrict non-essential use.

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SKY Image
7 years 1 week ago

Livewire Connections is pleased to offer new and renewal Sky Offshore customers a 50% discount off our...

Marlink and Livewire Signing
7 years 3 months ago

Marlink to acquire Livewire Connections to create the leading maritime VSAT company in the superyacht market...

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